Where is Hinduism?

Where is Hinduism?

Where is Hinduism? This is the question raised by lot of Hindus, including me! before few thousand years ago, in our ancient Bharat Country, most of the people followed Hinduism. But in course of time, people in large numbers began to get converted into other religions. Still now, more and more numbers of Hindus are interested to embrace other religions, with the belief that the other religious god would surely give salvation after their death! Some youngsters are getting converted due to their love marriages! Some religions are willing to even give sufficient money for conversion purpose, and some of them, are also brain washing the Hindus for their immediate conversion!

In future, possibilities are there that our Holy Hinduism religion would become a minority religion. Temples are getting destructed day by day and the reason behind it, is, that they are constructed in unapproved places! But then, what about the condition of the churches and mosques which are constructed in unapproved places?

Hinduism is an ancient religion, and it contains lot of temples situated all over the world. Many great rishis and saints have been born as Hindus, and most of the ancient kings have contributed their wealth for the purpose of building temples, and they are considered as very pure and pious, and they had the divine vision of the deities also. Famous saints like Adi Shankara, Ramanuja and Madhwacharya had contributed a lot to Hinduism through their holy works. Only if the Hindus sincerely believe their gods and goddesses, Hinduism would flourish in the near future. The rise and the fall of Hinduism, is in the hands of Hindus only.

The main teachings of the Hinduism are as follows:

  1. Believe in Truth, and realize that truth alone would win in the world.

  2. Realise that all the material things around you would perish in some day or other, and concentrate your attention on god.

  3. Vedas are the divine texts given by the god to attain goodness in your life.

  4. Follow the path of righteousness.

  5. By doing good deeds in your life, you would be suitably rewarded by the god.

  6. Your main aim must be to attain SALVATION.

  7. The world is covered with full of illusions, come out from the worldly pleasures, control your senses, and do meditation on the god.

  8. Live and Let live must be followed in your life.

  9. Be honest, sincere and straightforward in your life.

  10. Feel the presence of god everywhere in this world.

  11. Realise that god has given you a very important task of preaching the goodness of Hinduism and explaining the holy scriptures to others, and do it properly.

  12. Follow the spiritual path, and do only good karma and don’t cheat others.

Hinduism is a sweet religion, and we can find lot of teachings and the philosophies of great saints and sages. Rishi Vedavyasa had given very good sacred works to us like Mahabharata, Bhagavatham and Puranas. His son Sukha Brahma Rishi had narrated the honey filled stories of Bhagavatham to king Parikshit, and as a result after his death, he has attained salvation. Rishi Valmiki had given the great epic Ramayana, and from that epic, we can learn lot of good things, and we can adopt it in our general life. Similar by reading the life history of various brave kings like Chatrapathi Shivaji, Vikramaditya and Bhojaraja, we would get braveness and willpower.

Hinduism never insists people to regularly visit and worship the temples. It is left to the choice of the people whether to worship in the temples or not. When the people want to live pleasantly, then they can worship, since bhakti would reduce depression, and gives more enthusiasm in our life. Hindus are the most tolerable people in the world, and normally they won’t fight with other religious people, even if they insult them.

In religions like Christianity and Islam, people would give more importance for their religion, and they would even sacrifice their lives for the sake of their religion. Who is a Hindu? Hindus must follow the principles and teachings of Hinduism and must respect it. Each and every Hindu must have a Holy Bhagavat Gita book in their homes, and must also carry a copy of it in their bag, like the Christians who used to carry the Holy Bible along with them during the time of their travels.

But some Hindus are not having that much interest in their religion, and they are mostly thinking about their comforts and luxuries. But if they suffer from any problems in their life, simply they are cursing the god. Hindus must give more importance for their religion similar to Christianity and Islam, and everyone must contain a copy of Bhagavat Gita Book, similar to the holy Bible and holy Quran, and must read it regularly.

Actually, Hinduism is really a highly tolerable religion. Those who comment wrongly about our precious Hindu deities, are not given sufficient punishment, but they are regarded as the “CELEBRATED HEROES”, and “CELEBRATED HEROINES”, by some of the other religious people, and they are also given warm welcome by some political parties also, some time back, a respectful Madam, who is a film maker and a director and who is supposedly to take a Tamil picture, has affixed a hoarding in Chennai, and in that, one woman who portrays the character of Ma Kali Devi is seen in the form of smoking posture.

Continuously some people who belong to other religions are insulting the beliefs and faith of the Hindus, and so far, no proper judicial action was taken against them! Likewise, if Hindus also began to comment badly about the religious sentiments and beliefs of other religions, would they be left alive by other religious people?

Since some people consider our Hindus as the weaker sections of the society, they keep on doing like that, and they are also not realising their mistakes! Recently, an innocent tailor has been killed by some Muslims, since he has extended his support in the social Media to a person who has expressed her own views about the respectful great Islamic Founder Prophet Mohammed.

Our Hindus and our Hindu deities are being continuously targeted by some miscreants, and they find great happiness in spoiling the significance of our Holy Hinduism and our Holy Deities. Some political leaders are finding fault with our Sanatana Dharma, by telling that in our Hinduism, lot of caste differences are there. At present, most of the people are not seeing the caste of others, and in fact, only the lower class of people are getting lot of government benefits than that of other classes of people! If strict action was taken against those, who were once hit the picture of our beloved deity Rama with slippers then at the present situation, no one would open their mouth in order to express bad views about our Hindu deities. But since our Holy Hinduism and our Holy Hindus are considered as highly tolerable, they would bear any types of harsh comments put up on our wonderful gods and goddesses.

As per the famous proverb, “SADHU MIRANDAL KADU KOLLADU”, once if an innocent person gets angry, he would set fire to the entire world. Hence based on the above proverb, let us be active with burning fire on our body, and let us safeguard our holy Sanatana Dharma and our precious Hindu deities from the clutches of the so-called revolutionists, by adopting the path of non-violence.


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