Dreams are the god’s gift, which mostly occurs in everybody’s life. Some unforgettable thoughts, whether it is good or bad, once when it is registered in our mind, then it would be executed in the form of Dreams. Some people may get the vision of their favourable saints, noble people, and deities in their dreams, and some may get bad dreams, and it all depends on how they lead their life, whether peacefully or without peace of mind!

In ancient days, the deities would appear in the dreams of the kings, and ask them to build temples for them, and the kings also would immediately fulfil their wishes. Most of the great temples were built by the then kings based on the orders given by the almighty on their dreams. Still now for some pious devotees, god used to appear on their dream with a smiling face, and hence that type of dream could be considered only as a “SPIRITUAL DREAM”. After reading the life history of Sri Raja Raja Cholan, who built the popular Brihadeeswara Temple at Thanjavur, I am also interested to build a big temple at least in my soul. Though there are lot of Hindu temples scattered all over the world, yet, some rich professionals and big business men who belong to Hinduism, must come forward to build a wonderful temple for Lord Shiva, similar to Sri Brihadeeswara Temple at Thanjavur. Only after building this Big Temple at Thanjavur, the name and fame of Rajaraja was spread throughout the world!

But most of us are not interested to participate in such a nice divine work! Most of us would feel that engaging in such a difficult work, would eat our time, and also our hard earned money would be lost! If we thoroughly read the details about Sri Rajaraja Chola King’s participation in Big Temple, then we would also get the same spiritual thirst, and we would also form a union consisting of spiritual people to build such a nice temple! At present, even building a small Vinayaka temple is not an easiest task, since it requires lot of patience, hard work, sincerity and many more! But most of us are not interested to take any risk, since we lives like a well forest! A forest which lives in a well would think that the place which it stays is much comfortable, since it would never aim to stay at places like lakes or ponds. If we see the big sized Divine Bull, Lord Nandikeswara at Big Temple, then we would be involved ourselves with full of spiritual thoughts, and we would also get good spiritual enlightenment.

Lord Nandikeswarar is the one, who would easily capture our mind, and through his grace, we would get full of spiritual addiction, attraction, concentration, and even we could attain liberation. We could see the performance of holy milk bath to Lord Nandi’s idol at the Brihadeeswara Temple especially during Prodosham days, which would be done in an excellent manner by the temple priests, and we could enjoy the divine bliss even by watching the wonderful event in some Spiritual TV Channels. As per the famous Tamil Proverb, “KOVILAI NINAI, MATRAVAI MARA”, Think only about temples, leave about other things, and hence, let us keep thinking to build a wonderful temple for Lord Shiva similar to the Big Temple, Thanjavur, and let us be blessed.

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