Kamini is the daughter of Lord Kama Deva, the god of love and Ma Rati Devi. She is also known as Harsha, Harshini and as Harani. Still in some parts of North India, people worship Ma Kamini as Harsha Mata, and in West Bengal, she is worshipped as Ma Durga Devi, in the famous temple, Sri Kamala Kamini Durga Mata Mandir, and the address of the temple is: MA Kamini Devi Temple, Banagram, Faridpur-Durgapur 713381 West Bengal.
While her parents, Kama and Rati Devi invokes the love effect and develops the lust on the minds of all the people, Ma Kamini, used to induce lust only on the minds of the married couples. She never used to generate the lust on the minds of the unmarried people, whereas she used to generate more and more spiritual energy on the minds of those people. Ma Kamini is also worshipped for safe pregnancy, delivery of good children, avoids abortion, unwanted pregnancy etc. The name “KAMINI” is also mentioned in the Durga Devi NAMAVALI, and her other names are “MALINI”, “YAMINI” and “SOOLINI”.
We must have to worship Ma Kamini Devi, in order to get rid from unwanted ugly thoughts, and to concentrate more and more attention on worshipping our Holy Mata Kamini Devi. After getting married with Kamadeva, Ma Rati Devi wanted to give birth to a pious child, and hence she meditated on Devi Durga, and as a result, Ma Kamini Devi was born to her, and she was the complete incarnation of Ma Durga Devi. The great Shaivite Saint and the Advaita Philosopher, Sri Adishankara praises Ma Kamini Devi as Kamakshi, Kamalakshi and as Kamalamba. Since ancient Rishis and saints were worshipped Ma Devi Durga, they have controlled the feeling of lust, and that’s why they were able to meditate for a long period of time.
Likewise, the celestials like Brahma, Vishnu and even Lord Maheshwara used to worship Ma Kamini in the form of Durga Devi, in order to discharge their duties without any hindrances! Ma Kamini Devi must also be worshipped for getting rid from diseases, black magic and enmity problems etc. She gives good health, wealth, wisdom, courage and also adds all kinds of prosperity in our lives. Fridays are considered as most auspicious days for worshipping Ma Kamini, and we can offer our prayers to her by reciting the Durga NAMAVALI. We can also offer the Holy Prasad items to our wonderful mother goddess, by preparing sweets made out of milk and honey.
At the present period, people easily commit sins mainly due to lust, and they also lose their future by settling down in the prison for a long period of time. Character once lost cannot be brought back again! Cultivating good habit is very difficult, and it could be made possible only by worshipping our Holy Mother, Ma Kamini Devi. Lust would make our entire life into worst, dust and rust, and our life also would turn out into absolutely waste. Hence in order to control the feeling of lust, let’s be fast in worshipping our Holy Goddess, Ma Kamini Devi and also we must have to compulsorily recite the Devi Bhagavata Purana, especially on Fridays.
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