Ma Dharma Shasta Devi

Ma Dharma Shasta Devi


Ma Dharma Shasta Devi also called as Dharma Devi Amman, is a holy aspect of Lord Dharma Shasta, and she was mentioned in the famous epic Ramayana and Mahabharata. Ma Dharma Shasta Devi is also worshipped as Ma Dharma Devi, since is considered as the goddess of justice, Dharma, and she also contains the features of Ma Shakti Devi. She was created from the powers of Lord Dharma Shasta in order to establish righteousness in the world.

After the death of Karna in the Kurukshetra battle field, along with Ma Kunti Devi, another divine woman also seems to be present in the battle field and she was crying on seeing the body of Karna. When Yudhishtra had enquired about the presence of the divine woman in the battle field to Krishna, Lord Krishna had replied to him, that she was the goddess of Righteousness. Since Karna has done lot of donations during his life time, Ma Dharma Shasta Devi herself was present at the battle field, and she was weeping on seeing the face of her deceased son Karna. She also claims Karna to be her only son, since she was very much impressed with the charitable activities of Karna.

There are also few temples dedicated for Ma Dharma Shasta Devi in North India, and even the Jain community people used to worship her by considering her to be their divine mother. Still now the presence of Ma Dharma Shasta Devi would be there in the Annadana Halls, Temple Kitchens, Poor feeding places, and also she would dwell in the souls of the noble minded people. Ma Dharma Shasta Devi was also mentioned in the holy epic Srimad Devi Bhagavatham, and her name was also mentioned in the Devi Namavali.

When our great Prahalada was crowned by Lord Brahma Deva, and when he was about to sit on his throne, his Kula Guru, Sri Sukracharya, has asked him to worship Ma Dharma Shasta Devi, in order to rule over his kingdom in a prosperous manner. Prahalada has also worshipped her, and as per her instructions, he has done Annadanam to lakhs and lakhs of people, and throughout his lifetime, Ma Dharma Shasta Devi had dwelled in his kingdom, and prospered the kingdom of Prahalada.

But still now, only some people are aware about Dharma Shasta Devi, though she lives in the universe for more than millions of years. Hence it is our foremost duty to worship her regularly, and to make donations as much as possible, in order to please Ma Dharma Shasta Devi.


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