Let's Always Do Good, And Never Do Bad

Let's Always Do Good, And Never Do Bad


Let’s always keep doing only good activities and avoid bad activities in our life. Karma is the cause and effect of the actions of the people, and in general, if we do good activities we would get good karma and good births. Whereas if we do bad activities, it would cause bad karma and we have to take several rebirths. In order to do good karmas in our life, we have to carefully read the Bhagavat Gita teachings given by Lord Krishna.

In that, he tells, “In the Kali Yuga, people would definitely commit lot of sins in their life, and for that, they would be facing lot of troubles in their present life as well as in their subsequent births also. In order to get rid from their sins, people must have to live as per the path of Dharma, and they must allocate sufficient time in praying me, and must keep their mind only on me. So that, in course of time, they would be deeply involved only with my thoughts, and due to that, I would force them to do only good things in their life”.

But without keeping all these things on their mind, some people are still doing lot of wrongful things wilfully, without thinking about the consequences of their bad acts, and it is believed that still some people in film Industry consider females in Film Industry just as pretty dolls.

Film actresses must be highly respected and they must be treated as our own sisters. Recently a middle aged film actress, had posted a video on her YouTube channel, and shared the mental pain which she has severally faced, after some men sent her some stupid messages on her social media. In the video, she spoke about those messages and worried a lot for that. After reading her statements from the Internet, in order to console her, I am writing this article. I have seen her films also, and in those films, she has acted sincerely, decently and excellently. Let our sister actress come out from the trauma quickly, and I am also requesting her to concentrate her attention more and more on spiritual matters, since “SPIRITUALITY ONLY WOULD GIVE LOT OF VITALITY”. Actually I am a spiritual writer only, but, occasionally I used to write articles about social issues also, since my aim is to bring to the notice of the readers, about the problems of the people also, since I used to consider the problems of others as my own problems.

In Film Industry, it is also believed that sometimes, some actresses are being asked to make some sort of “ADJUSTMENTS’, in order to shine well on their film career. Some actresses would boldly share about the problems faced by them in the film industry on the social Medias whereas some of them would hide about it from the eyes of others.

As per the sayings of Swami Vivekananda, we have to adopt strict self-control, and we should treat others as our own brothers and sisters. We should know about the Do’s and Don’ts to be followed in our life, and, must move cleverly in our life. But sometimes, if we try to cross the prescribed boundary and acts badly, then we only have to face the consequences for our own acts. We can control our worst enemy, ‘LUST’, by worshipping Ma Shakti Devi. Being the Divine mother, if we sincerely pray to her, in order to control our senses, she would turn our badness into goodness, and would prosper our life. At this point of time, we must have to think about the nice behaviour of the famous Maratha Ruler, Sri Chatrapati Shivaji. Once, when his soldiers conquered a Muslim King, they carried his Queen in a palanquin and presented her to their king Shivaji.

He first opened the screen of the Palanquin, and to his surprise, the queen looked very beautiful, but she appeared in a worried state. Immediately Shivaji saluted her by saying, “Oh My Dear Madam, you look so beautiful, and if I had been born as your son, then I would have been appeared much more beautiful than now”, and then he ordered to his soldiers to safely take her to her Kingdom. He is such a kind of noble person, since he worshipped Ma Shakti Devi, in the form of Ma Bhavani, and he has also loved his mother so much. Hence let us consider that all the women as the avatars of Ma Parashakti and let us treat them in a highly respectable manner.


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