God Never Commit Mistakes

God Never Commit Mistakes


God never commit any mistakes similar to ordinary humans, and in fact God acts as the best companion, especially for the lonely people. Some people after losing their parents/consorts remain alone till their death, since the children for most of them would be settled in abroad, and due to that, most of them prefer to stay in Senior Citizen Homes, also popularly called as “Retirement Homes”. Though these homes provides the basic required facilities to the senior citizens, according to their level best, but, however those who live alone, without the presence of their family members, would lose hope, and some of them would be under severe stress.

In order to overcome such kind of difficulties, they can seek the help of the god, since god only acts as our best companion, and he is the one who shows great compassion on us. But we cannot expect god to stay with us in physical form and to talk to us about unnecessary things. In order to maintain the friendship of the god, initially we should start doing meditation on him, and after that, we can talk to him by seeing his pictures. And by the way of doing like that, we could put some of our burden on his shoulders. Some people used to tell to me, with tearful eyes, “I don’t have anyone to look after me”. And for those people, I used to tell, “When you have thirty three Crores of the deities to look after, then why do you worry”.

Lonely people if they keep on thinking that they are alone, then, surely they would always feel they are alone. But instead of that, if they think, that their best friend, god’s (Lord Krishna) presence is there with them, then surely they would get the strength of thousand elephants both on their mind as well on their body, and thereafter there is no need to worry about anything in their life till the time of their death.

The great Parasurama is doing meditation in the holy Mahendragiri Mountain alone, and no one is there with him. Likewise, Lord Hanuman is also still doing meditation at a cave in Himalayas and he only is present in that cave! If these god’s incarnations decides to take someone’s help, then, even they could create millions and millions of helpers for them. But, since they are interested to stay alone, in order to do meditation in a peaceful manner, they didn’t require anyone’s help. Likewise, the lonely people can stay alone bravely, by keeping the spiritual thoughts of the god on their mind.


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