
Yes. It is true. We can enjoy our life with the grace of the god, and we can also choose god as our spiritual advisor. God acts as the best spiritual advisor and he is expressing himself in various forms in order to give proper advices to his devotees. Similar to keeping business advisors, the great almighty itself acts as our own personal advisor by taking different, different forms.

Ma Annapurna asks us to provide food to the poor people, Ma Lakshmi and Kubera asks us to donate our surplus money towards noble cause, Lord Krishna acts as a good spiritual advisor, through his Bhagavat Gita Teachings, and likewise Ma Balatripura Sundari advises the people to understand the significance of female child, since still in some villages, infant females are being killed with the belief that bringing up them would cost more to the family!

Guardian deities like Ayyanar and Sudalaimadan advises the people to express their gratitude to the police, army and security department. Muthu Sattanathar advises the people to give much respect to those who are fighting for justice. Ma Shakti Devi is worshipped in various forms, and she is popularly known as Amman among the south Indian people, and her popular form Durga advises the females to be bold, enthusiastic and energetic in order to face any kind of challenges in their lives, and also advises them to fight for their own rights.

Lord Indra develops more bondage between young couple, and blossoms their lives. Varuna Bhagavan advises us to take bath in the holy rivers like Ganga, Yamuna and Godavari. Vayu Bhagavan asks us to practice Pranayama and Yoga in order to lead a healthier life. Agni Bhagavan asks us to light lamps in our puja room, in order to prosper in our life. Navagrahas asks us to worship them, in order to remove the Navagraha Doshams from our life. Ma Manasa Devi, mother of the Nagas, asks us to worship the snakes present in the earth, and to offer milk and eggs to them in the snake burrows. Lord Yama asks us to keep on chanting the names of the almighty, in order to avoid death related fear.

Our great Bhagavathas like Narada, Prahalada and Dhruva advise the people to show more bhakti on the almighty. Even those, who didn’t have bhakti, if they study about the life history of these staunch devotees, then they would get immense bhakti and they would also turn into best Bhaktas. Lord Brahma and Ma Saraswati advise us to study Vedas, Puranas and other holy texts, in order to get good spiritual knowledge. Lord Vinayaka tells about the significance of the “OM” Mantra, and his elephant head itself appears in the form of “OM” Symbol.

Deities like Panchali Amman, Vasuki Amman and Kannagi Amman advises the young women to follow chastity and purity in their lives. Lord Muruga gives more confidence and hope to us, through his blessing posture, and also his divine spear symbolizes the victory sign. Lord Venkateswara blessing posture looks very attractive, and being the protection god, during our urgent call he would arrive before us, and through the Gajendra elephant incident, we could clearly understand about his significance.

Lord Ayyappa and Ma Santhoshi, advises us to observe fasting on certain days and to observe purity and bhakti in our lives. Ma Dharma Devi advises us to do lot of charitable activities in order to increase our good karma. Lord Shaneeswara the justice god, asks us to lead a disciplinary and pious life in order to increase our good karmas.

                                                                      Hence, let us follow the valuable advices given by our wonderful deities, and let us be blessed.


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