Apsara Sapala

Apsara Sapala


Apsara Sapala was a noble woman who was mentioned in the ancient texts of Hinduism. She has studied all the religious texts, from her younger age itself, and she has got good knowledge in Vedas and Shastras. Since, she has suffered from some kind of health issues at her teenage, her parents were left her in a dense forest. She was very much worried about the ignorance of her parents, and began to pray to Lord Indra Bhagawan.

After her severe penance, Lord Indra was pleased with her devotion, and gave her a healthy body with an attractive appearance, and also blessed her for a bright future. Indra also made her to join with her parents.

As per the legend, it is believed, that she lived in the Krita yuga, and also met the great Vishnu Bhagavathas, King Prahalada and Rishi Narada, and she received blessings from them. She is considered as a holy, pure and a chaste woman, who is also considered as an aspect of Mata Parvati. Ma Sapala is considered as a kind hearted woman, who used to relieve the problems of her devotees, and would remove the thorns on their path.

After her death, she reached the abode of Lord Indra, the Indra Loka, became a celestial dancer (Apsara) and permanently settled there.

Some of the songs sung by Mata Sapala in praise of Lord Indra Bhagavan are as follows:

Our respectful and humble salutations to Lord Indra Dev. “You are the Lord of the heavens. You have been praised in the Puranas and other holy texts, as a pure and pious divine person”.

Please accept our prayers and shower your grace on us.

Our respectful and humble salutations to Lord Indra Dev. “You have been called by various names, and you looks very handsome and all of your one thousand eyes contain on your body looks us with great kindness and affection”.

Please accept our prayers and shower your grace on us.

Our respectful and humble salutations to Lord Indra Dev. “You are the one who contains the powerful weapon Vajra, and with that, you are able to easily win over your enemies. We consider you as everything, like, Guru, father, mother, friend and god”.

Please accept our prayers and shower your grace on us.

Our respectful and humble salutations to Lord Indra Dev. “Those who chants your mantras, recites your excellent names, would be suitably rewarded by you. You are also showering your grace to everybody in the earth and in the heaven, even if they forget to offer prayers to you”. Please accept our prayers and shower your grace on us.

Our respectful and humble salutations to Lord Indra Dev, “According to us, among the gods, you are the beautiful Vishnu, and among the serpents, you are the great Adisesha, among the demons, you are the worshipful Prahalada, among the trees, you are the holy Arasa Maram, among the birds, you are the Garuda, among the Navagrahas, you are the bright Sun, among the stars, you are the pure and pious Dhruva, among the animals, you are the brave lion, and among the kings, you are the great Rama”.

Please accept our prayers and shower your grace on us.

Our respectful and humble salutations to Lord Indra Dev, “We don’t know how to express our whole heartedly thanks to you, since you have placed us in this Divine Loka as the worshipful celestial dancers. With your grace, we are able to discharge our duties properly, and with your divine darshan, we feel as if we are having the divine darshan of the Trimurties, Brahma, Vishnu and Maheswara”. I praise, praise and praise and praise you my Lord Sri Indra Bhagavan. Please accept our prayers and shower your grace on us.

Our respectful and humble salutations to Lord Indra Dev. “You have been praised and sanctified even by the bhagavathas, sages and saints, like Narada, Tumburu and Prahalada. We beg you, to keep us as your servants for ever in your Indra Lok”. I praise, praise and praise and praise you my Lord Sri Indra Bhagavan.

Please accept our prayers and shower your grace on us.

Our respectful and humble salutations to Lord Indra Dev, you act like a gentle god to your devotees, and you act like the death god, Yama for your enemies. Your name and fame are increasing day by day, and there is no end for you.

I praise, praise and praise and praise you my Lord Sri Indra Bhagavan.

Please accept our prayers and shower your grace on us.

Our respectful and humble salutations to Lord Indra Dev, you are the god of rains, and with your grace, all the crops are grown up properly, and rains are showered in the respective seasons. If the people in the earth didn’t worship you, even after getting proper rains in the rainy season, yet, you are doing your duty in a selfless manner, and for that noble act, you have to be praised a lot.

I praise, praise and praise and praise you my Lord Sri Indra Bhagavan. Please accept our prayers and shower your grace on us.


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