Procedure of Sphatika Linga Sadhana




Procedure of Sphatika Linga Sadhana

Sphatika lingam maaraadhyaam sarvasoubhaagyadaayakam !
daanam, dhaanyam, pratisthaam cha aarogyam pradadaati sah !!


Sphatika lingam aaraadhana, pooja give prosperity. Blessed with wealth, grains, dignity, holistic health.

Sphatika Lingam pratishtaapya yaajaati yo pumaan !
rogam, shokam cha daaridryam sarva nashchati tadh gruhaat !!

Who ever keeps Sphatika Lingam with spirutual constellation, perform nitya Poojas ... Health problems, grief, poverty will be removed and Sri Mahalakshmi will stable in that house.

Poojanaadasya Lingasya abhyarchanaath sashraddhayaa !
sarvapaapa vinirmuktah shiva saayujyamaapnuyaath !!

who perform shivalingaarchana every day, will relive from all sins and reaches Shiva Sannidhi.


SphatikaLinga Sadhana - vidhi?

*    Sphatikalinga procedure should be started on Masashivaratri or Mahashivaratri or on any Mondays.
*    In good Muhurat should sit facing south peacefully in home or in temple.
*    Performed should place wooden stool in front of him covered with white cloth.
*    On wooden stool place plate or utensil
*    In plate rice should be poured in mass
*    On mass rice in good muhurat sftika lingam should be placed with pranapratishta
*    Shivalingam should be bathed with Panchamrutam by reciting this mantra
    Om sham sadyojaataaya namah dugtha snaanam samarpayaami
    Om vam vaasudevaaya namah dadhi snaanam samarpayaami
    Om yama aghoraaya namah ghruta snaanam samarpayaami
    Om tatpurushaaya namah madhu snaanam samarpayaami
    Om mam eeshaananda namah sharkaraasnaanam samarpayaami
*    After panchamruta bath to sphatika Lingam, once again bath with pure water, and clean with pure cloth
*    By reciting 'Om namah Shivaaya' perform pooja with Agarbatti smoke, Deepam, Flower and Naivedyam
*    Naivedyam should be made of milk
*    Abhishekam should be performed with Water mixed milk and recite 'Om sham shankaraaya sfatika prabhaaya om namah' 108 times

*    Abhishekam water should be taken as Prasad after completing pooja. After completing pooja they should prey Lord Shiva for their family members good health, wealth, peace. This should be continued for 7 days. Keep Sphatika lingam in Pooja room and the remaining pooja items should be packed in a cloth and leave in water flow



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